Back with banana muffins!
We have been horribly remiss in the logging of our culinary adventures this past year, despite having some pretty amazing food in Canada, US, France and Japan. Perhaps some time in the near future I will post a re-cap of our memorable meals during our travels. For the time being, given the large swaths of free time I'll have for the next several months, I have committed to not only logging our fare but to actually making an effort to cook more (shocking I realize).David's often bogged down these days with doctoral duties, so I'm attempting to cook breakfasts and lunch (not always, but a lot of the time). My mother always made fantastically tasty banana muffins, so I thought I'd try my hand at them again. I've made them before and it's a relatively fool-proof recipe such that I don't usually screw things up. There was an attempt at making it a week or so go where I was trying to be fancy and add a brown-sugar crumb topping. For whatever reason, the topping melted and created little sugar sink-holes in the middle of my muffins (tasty, but not quite the effect I was going for). This time, I kept it simple and stuck to the original recipe.Preheat oven to 375F. Just process 2 bananas, 1/2 cup melted butter, 2 eggs and a tsp of vanilla in a food processor. In a separate bowl, I combine the dry stuff first: 1 1/4 cup flour, 1/4 cup wheat germ, 2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp baking soda, 3/4 cup sugar and salt. Then process it into the wet stuff. Boom. Banana muffin mix. Takes about 15 minutes to bake (or until tops are nice and golden). This time, in perhaps a vain attempt to be healthier, I tried cutting down the sugar to just over 1/2 cup. Though next time I may leave it at 3/4 cup. Tasty goodness!