Dog Treats for Gizmo

There can be no denying that our dog Gizmo is more than a little spoiled. But we love him, and think he deserves to be spoiled. So, with this in mind, I decided to whip up some home made doggie treats. When I've made treats for Giz in the past, I used left-over salmon that was on its way out, but I didn't have any on hand this time. This time, I used some over ripe bananas instead. Given his zeal for bananas, I was sure that he wouldn't mind the substitution.The recipe is really quite simple. Mix some flavouring ingredients: peanut butter, bananas and fat, with some binding ingredients: bread and eggs. The fat I just happened to have on hand; substituting in another 1/3 cup peanut butter would work just as well. The long cooking time ensure that the cookies would be crunchy and fully dried, so they can keep in the cupboard unrefrigerated. Gizmo is his parents' dog; he loves the cookies.


3 cups dried bread3 eggs4 bananas1/3 cup rendered fat1/3 cup peanut butterPreheat oven to 300 degrees. Crumble dried bread into breadcrumbs, then add all ingredients and mix well. Form into treats and place on cookie pan. Bake for 1 hour.


Salmon with shrimp sauce


Henri Restaurant, Chicago